Making connections with other professionals is an important part of the process of growing your company. According to Forbes, many professionals agree that having strong networking channels, created over time, is one of the largest contributors to a company’s success.
Networking is a skill you can continue to build over time. With that skill, it is important to understand your audience. You don’t need to network with everyone- you want to ensure you are using your and your connection’s time wisely. It is important to have a keen understanding of your business, just as you would a connection’s business so that you can thoughtfully share how you may partner together.
Some points for consideration when networking:
Networking is similar to think tanking- where both people or groups involved are exchanging ideas. It should be a true partnership.
Networking is all about exposure- you want to ensure you are consistently present at events
Networking can help one reassess their own skill levels when compared to others’ by speaking directly to them.

Meeting others and aligning your career needs with information gathered through networking can produce great results. Results of networking can produce lasting results through building partnerships, branding your company and increasing awareness with local business professionals.